
Where expertise meets data-driven intelligence

Unique deal sourcing allows us to seek superior risk-adjusted returns & offer flexible exit strategies.
Value of Real Estate Assets Managed*
Asset 4

Private Credit Collateralized by Real Assets

Asset 5

Access to EB-5 Investment Capital**

Asset 4 (2)

Flexible Exit Strategies

Asset 6

Sector & Geographic Diversification

Asset 7

Uncorrelated Returns to Other Major Asset Classes


We offer access to Credit & Equity investment strategies, with an emphasis on real estate as collateral.

Our Story

Beyond Global Management is on a mission to outperform the alternative investment marketplace.

As an opportunistic investment manager, Beyond’s current objective is to source Private Credit opportunities to offer to qualified investors. 

Beyond Global Management was founded by a highly experienced team who are skilled in managing investments in both equity and credit/debt real estate strategies across various market cycles.  With the attractive opportunities available in Private Credit, Beyond currently aims to match the equity-like “opportunistic” returns in today’s Credit markets, while still preserving downside-risk protection by utilizing real estate as collateral.

We make managed private market opportunities accessible to qualified investors and strive to deliver stability and returns.

Beyond Global Management focuses on doing the challenging and unscalable groundwork necessary to find attractive opportunities in Private Credit, on behalf of our investors.

We strive to make our investment more transparent, risks more controllable, and provide attractive, risk-adjusted investment returns that aim to beat inflation and generate income. We look for value and take an opportunistic approach to real estate investing.  Beyond seeks to capitalize on changing economic factors and dislocation in the real estate market to identify attractive opportunities in any market condition. Additionally, as both a debt and equity real estate investor, Beyond has the flexibility to invest opportunistically in bull markets, and more prudently, in bear markets.  As we continue to grow, we remain committed to upholding integrity to our investment base.

Our Team

Beyond’s leadership team has over 100 years of combined investment experience across market cycles. We combine investment experience and data-driven research to support our investment strategy and seek better investment performance.

Jenny Zhan, CFA

Chief Executive Officer

Jason Ye

Managing Partner

Jimmy Lam

Managing Director of Investments

Important Disclosures

Beyond Global Management LLC is an investment adviser registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Registration as an investment adviser does not imply any special skill or training.  There can be no assurances that Beyond Global Management LLC’s investment objectives will be achieved or investment strategies will be successful.  Past performance of investments is no indication of future results.  Information presented is for educational purposes only and does not intend to make an offer or solicitation for the sale or purchase of any securities.  Beyond Global Management LLC’s website and its associated links offer news, commentary, and generalized research, not personalized investment advice. Nothing on this website should be interpreted to state or imply that past performance is an indication of future performance. All investments involve risk and, unless otherwise stated, are not guaranteed. Be sure to consult with a tax professional before implementing any investment strategy.

Advisory services are only offered in jurisdictions where Beyond Global Management LLC and its representatives are properly licensed or exempt from licensure. A copy of Beyond Global’s current written disclosure documents discussing our services, fees, and other important information is available upon request or at Any links to third-party websites or information are provided as a courtesy only and does not imply that Beyond Global endorses such third-party or is adopting any materials or information shown via the links.  Information and opinions provided on this website are as of the time of publication and subject to change without notice.

*Represents the value of the real estate assets managed by Beyond, which is higher than the AUM advised by Beyond Global Management. Management figure as of March 31, 2024.

** This is offered through our affiliate Beyond Holdings LLC

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